Two great RecRide bicycle routes, approximately 12 and 30 miles give you a close-up view of beautiful Charm City. All routes provide a tour for all levels of bicyclists!
Please note! Ride start will be where it has been in previous years, near the Boat Lake in the center of the park.
View the RecRide layout map here.
Both routes include flat, rolling, and hilly sections!
Cue sheets given at registration check-in.
This route travels past community gardens, the farmers’ market, Clipper Mill neighborhood and then into Druid Hill Park along the zoo periphery, around the lake and back to Patterson Park for the celebrations at BikeJam! (approximately 12 Miles)
This route follows The Lolly Pop Loop for the first seven miles and then heads towards Ruxton for challenging hills and scenic terrain. Make your way back through Mt. Washington with a stop in Druid Hill Park before returning to the celebrations at BikeJam! (approximately 30 miles)
Have your bike professionally checked to ensure a smooth & safe ride! Cyclists are encouraged to bring: 2 water bottles, 1 spare tire tube, a patch kit, and a frame pump. Bicycle helmet is required to ride!
Bring a good attitude and a smile! This is a fun ride. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!