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Date: Sunday, May 18
Time: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Patterson Park, Near the Boat Lake
Address: 27 S. Patterson Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD

Two great RecRide bicycle routes, approximately 12 and 30 miles give you a close-up view of beautiful Charm City. All routes provide a tour for all levels of bicyclists!

Early bird registration is now closed. Walk up registration open  from 7:00 -8:00 AM. Price: $40.00

Please note! Ride start will be where it has been in previous years, near the Boat Lake in the center of the park.
View the RecRide layout map here.

Both routes include flat, rolling, and hilly sections!
Cue sheets given at registration check-in.

The Lolly Pop Loop 12

This route travels past community gardens, the farmers’ market, Clipper Mill neighborhood and then into Druid Hill Park along the zoo periphery, around the lake and back to Patterson Park for the celebrations at BikeJam! (approximately 12 Miles)

The Parks Ride 30

This route follows The Lolly Pop Loop for the first seven miles and then heads towards Ruxton for challenging hills and scenic terrain. Make your way back through Mt. Washington with a stop in Druid Hill Park before returning to the celebrations at BikeJam! (approximately 30 miles)

Registration Includes

  • Invitation to BikeJam: professional races, live music, craft beer vendors, food trucks from The Gathering, and exhibitors
  • Cue sheet
  • SAG (support and gear) vehicle support!
  • Rest stop with refreshments – please bring your own water bottle
  • Optional 2014 Bike Maryland cotton t-shirt
  • Free parking

Registration and Ride Information

Have your bike professionally checked to ensure a smooth & safe ride! Cyclists are encouraged to bring: 2 water bottles, 1 spare tire tube, a patch kit, and a frame pump. Bicycle helmet is required to ride!

  • On-site registration and check-in will be held between 7:00 – 8:00 AM (Students must present a valid student ID). Participants age 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • The ride start and registration are located in Patterson Park, near the Boat Lake
  • Directions to Patterson Park are located on the RecRide registration page.
  • Parking will be on-street, surrounding the park and neighborhood area.
  • Rides begin with a leader, SAG (support & gear vehicle) and a sweep. Riders can go ahead on their own if they do not wish to wait for the ride leads.
  • RecRide Route information/cue sheets are distributed at registration check in.
  • Mechanical support will be available at the start/finish and at both rest-stop.
  • Rest Stops are strategically located along the RecRide routes and will be stocked with refreshments! Please bring a water bottle to help reduce waste.
  • All bike routes close at: 1:00 PM. SAG vehicles will depart from route at: 1:00 PM
  • Your Pay Pal receipt or deposited check is your registration confirmation. No refunds.
  • The Bike Maryland RecRide will be held rain or shine.
  • All cyclists must practice safe cycling and follow local and state traffic laws.
  • Please be sure to review safety information provided on the RecRide registration page.
  • The free cotton RecRide t-shirts will be distributed at registration and will not be mailed.
  • We encourage all riders to stay in Patterson Park after the RecRide to enjoy the festivities at BikeJam!

    Bring a good attitude and a smile! This is a fun ride. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! 

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