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Patapsco Trail Work

Date: Sunday, May 4
Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Woodstock Area of Patapsco Valley State Park - CSX parking lot across from the Woodstock Inn
Address: 1415 Woodstock Road, Woodstock, Maryland

Please share with everyone you know! There are 2 miles of new single track to build in a very short period of time. This reroute will keep users within the park boundary and eliminate the majority of the 2-way sections for the Patapsco 100 and Patapsco Epic.

Old Line Velo will host folks out there on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights 6PM – 8PM.

The work fun series is brought to you by AFCOLVRace Works GruppettoSSOFT, and MORE. We’ll be hiking in, sometimes I even drag my kids along. Let me know you’re coming via email or facebook so I know how many donuts/tools/snacks to bring ( especially if you’re bringing kids, they like to run in packs – dear parents, bring a change of clothes for the sMORE’s, they’ll need it ).

You should bring gloves and sturdy footwear suitable for doing trail work outside, something to drink, a smiling face and your favourite tool. Expect to get dirty, wet and have a ton of fun doing it!

MORE t-shirts are in your future, as well as a free entry into the Patapsco 100, a discount into the Mother’s Day Mauler or the Woodstock Wrecker and a discount or free entry into the Patapsco Epic ( you have to play to win! ).