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Frederick: X-mas Lights Ride

Date: Friday, December 19
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm

See details here!

From the Bike Doctor:

It’s happening again. Last year, 150+ riders joined us downtown in Frederick City for a big, lights filled ride around town. This year we’ve partnered with Brewers Alley and the Downtown Frederick Partnership to make the event better than ever. WE NEED YOUR HELP THOUGH! SPREAD THE WORD VIA SOCIAL MEDIA! Invite friends! Do it now!

Here’s the details:

When: December 19th, 7:30pm

What: Casual, super slow bike ride through Baker Park and downtown Frederick. 3 mile ride. Mostly flat.

Where to meet: Baker Park Band Shell, where we’ll have the competition, then go ride.

Bring: a decorated holiday theme’d bike. Or winter themed. Whatever. You can also wear a costume, for bonus points. Every one has to decorate! You also need, if your bike isn’t covered in enough battery powered lights, a tail light and head light. You dont need ’em if your bike is covered in lights though.

Wear: It’s winter, it’s night time, so wear warm clothes. We like thick gloves, toe warmers and wool socks for a starter. A good hat goes a long way too.

The competition: We’ll have prizes worth competing for, awarded to the best 3 decorated bikes, as voted by the Bike Doc Staff. Bike Doc staff is exempt from competition, so you’re only competing against non-professionals.

The ride: 3 miles, very easy pace, very flat.

After Party: we’ll eventually ride down Market Street, and end up outside at Brewer’s Alley, where we’ll have outdoor heaters set up and probably valet bike parking. For real…

for questions, email us: bikedrfrederick@gmail.com